Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Become a Travel Writer |

How to Become a Travel Writer |

Being a travel writer means being paid to travel and to explore all corners of the world while bringing freshly written stories to readers worldwide. But as romantic as a career as a travel writer may sound, it requires hard work, commitment and a willingness to try new things.

Travel. If you want to write about travel, you must actually get out there and explore the world on your own. Save money, plan an itinerary and travel while documenting your travels in a journal or even on video.

Educate yourself. You don’t necessarily have to have a journalism degree to succeed as a travel writer; however, you should take a writing class or two so you understand how to write a publishable article.

Read travel articles, magazines and books. You must immerse yourself in the travel writing that is already out there so that you understand what is required to write solid travel content.

Choose your travel destinations. Once you’ve decided you’re ready to enter the travel writing market, choose where you want to travel so you can then begin researching appropriate markets for your writing.

Find markets to which you can query and submit articles. Make sure that you read the publishers’ submission guidelines carefully, and in the beginning, look for those publishers that are open to working with new writers.

More details at How to Become a Travel Writer |

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1 comment:

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